Building ROS hydro from source on Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander

February 25, 2014

This post will cover the steps I made to build ROS hydro successfully from source on my Ubuntu 13.10 amd64 with German localization settings.

1. Add repositories


2. The basic building procedure is covered in the article below, but I will list all commands/steps I have used from this tutorial as well, together with links to resources which helped me solving problems and how I solved them. If you want to have an explanation of the steps, please refer to the provided links. read more

Synthezier with ATMEGA88 very amazing project!!

September 15, 2010

This guy is awesome!!

[I missed to post that draft, now it is really old, but maybe someone does not now it]

Bajos moved from github to googlecode

September 15, 2010

After a first try of github, we decided to change the project hoster. We choose googlecode. So after the migration (check last post) bajos is now available on googlecode:

Check it out!

Maybe we hold the github account as mirror. will see. read more

Bajos availabel on

July 12, 2010

In hope of getting some contribution and feedback to bajos I have hosted it on github, so everything is availabel for everone:

Check out bajos from

Check out my post on

July 12, 2010

Since last december I am working on a project of my college BAJOS, which makes java availabel vor microcontrollers.  Now I do some public relation stuff, because this great project is not mind in the internet community. therefore check out: read more

BaRobot: USB / RS232 Device for controlling up to 8 servos from WIN/LINUX

January 22, 2010

Today, I want to present my last college(BA-Berlin) project. The topic of this project is controlling a robot arm (with 5 servos) with a MCU from a PC via RS232 or USB. The project is even finished.

What is BaRobot?

BaRobot is a set consisting of  firmware for an AVR, a driver library and some demo applications. The firmware was built for at least an ATmega8 and contains everything for controlling up to 8 servos via USB or RS232 from a PC without expensive USB-Hardware. The USB Interface is based on VUSB from Objective Development. The project was founded to control a 5 axis robot arm (see gallery next), therefore all demo applications are made for a 5 servo device, but you could edit these settings with preprocessor directives in the sources. A possible circuit is available in the gallery, too. The driver is based on LibUSB (LibUSB32 at Windows), you only need LibUSB if you want to compile the sources. On a linux machine you does not need a specific driver, because LibUSB is still installed, you only need the library, which provides  a set of functions to control the servos. The library/firmware gives you the ability of control all your servos in position  and in speed(means time for moving to a new position). Both values value must be between 0 and 254. read more