Truecrypt on Netgear ReadyNAS 100 series (Debian) with auto mount on attached keyfile thumb drive dongle

December 30, 2013

Since I own a Netgear ReadyNAS 102 I was wondering how I could use encryption for special content in a convenient way. Because the Netgear firmware does not provide an encryption feature inside its ReadyNAS OS wrapper on top of the underlying Debian Linux I decided to have a closer look on Truecrypt, which I already have in use on my other desktop and mobile computers. read more

Adjust exif timestamp on command-line with exiftool

November 30, 2013

I just realized that I forgot to change the timezone/time settings in my camera since I am back from Asia (~6month). In order to fix the timestamp on all my photos I made during this time period I used exiftool for doing this on the command-line.

Move all timestamps minus 6 hours for all picture files (JPG and RAW) in current directory. read more

First Robotics Hackathon in Malaysia

April 30, 2013

It was a very, very awesome experience, even it was stressful for me to manage to give all the help the people needed.

But read more here: read more

Android-x86 for Acer 1825 and others development terminated

April 30, 2013

Many of you guys have maybe already thought, that I will not continue the Android-x86 development for the Acer 1825 and all the other laptops I was supporting as well in the mean time, because there was a long time without any updates. But actually the reason was, that since I am in Malaysia I had not much time to work on this and much more I did not have a proper machine for building. So my plan was to continue the development once I am back at home in Germany, what is actually very soon. read more

Source released for KinectProvider4MultitouchVista – Augmented multitouch with Microsoft Kinect

February 8, 2013

Like promised, today the release of the sources to my “Augmented multitouch with Microsoft Kinect” project, see last post . This extension for the MultiTouchVista framework gets the name KinectProvider4MultitouchVista and can now be find on my github account – read more

Augmented multitouch with Microsoft Kinect

January 15, 2013

I am glad to present something I worked on at my current workplace Tandemic. Much thanks for giving me the possibility!

Get some impressions in these videos:

The awesome video by Lena:

The less awesome recorded video but with some explanations from myself: read more

New Design

October 31, 2012

Yeah, you should have recognized this, I changed the blog design. I found the old one less readable, especially in the comments area after recend plugin updates. Moreover the new design has a more personal style! I hope you enjoy!

Bitte als User registrieren um alle Malaysia Artikel lesen zu können.

October 3, 2012

Liebe Familie, Freunde und Kollegen,

da ich euch auch einige private Bilder (meine jetzt z.B. Wohnung o.Ä.) zeigen möchte und diese nicht frei im Internet auftauchen sollen, würde ich euch bitten, euch hier bei meinem Blog zu registrieren. Bitte verwendet einen Namen, den ich euch irgendwie zuordnen kann (sieht auch sonst keiner), denn ich bekomme tagtäglich mehrere Spamregistrierungen. Wenn ihr euch registriert habt, werdet ihr von mir für den privaten Bereich freigeschaltet. Keine Scheu, ich werde jeden den ich kenne freigegeben. read more