Bajos availabel on

July 12, 2010

In hope of getting some contribution and feedback to bajos I have hosted it on github, so everything is availabel for everone:

Check out bajos from

Check out my post on

July 12, 2010

Since last december I am working on a project of my college BAJOS, which makes java availabel vor microcontrollers.  Now I do some public relation stuff, because this great project is not mind in the internet community. therefore check out: read more

Bundespräsidenten Nachfolge!

June 5, 2010

Ein toller Artikel über Zensursula auf, zum Glück ist sie vom Tisch!

Build Boost Library with Visual Studio 2010 (x86)

May 5, 2010

How to build boost library with Visual Studio 2010

ELENA Vorratsdatenspeicherung? Verfassungsbeschwerde !

March 15, 2010

Ja darüber sollte jeder vielleicht mal nachdenken.

Ich bin grundsätzlich gegen Datensammelwut!

Nachzulesen hier: oder direkt mitmachen unter

Bash Script for converting DOS to UNIX textfiles

March 7, 2010

This is a short bash script, which I have written as a homework in my studies. It converts all files in parameters from DOS to UNIX or from UNIX to DOS, depending on their current style.


have fun with it!

Reorganisation of galleries, New photos

February 28, 2010

Now all galleries are ordered into albums and on one page gallery you have only one page which direct access to all albums.

Two new pictures taken in hamburg during a short trip to musical king of the lions.

[pwaplusphp album=”hamburg”]

The picture with the stairs is a freehand DRI. read more

[german] Berlin Ostkreuz: Sondermüll?

February 26, 2010


Am Ostkreuz Berlin wird auch “Sondermüll” entfernt. Also falls ihr Probleme mit eurem Vater habt… oder sogar die Pest…? Wenn es ganz blöd kommt, dann wird die Wahl des richtigen Eimers ein echtes Problem 😀